What is a Premises Liability Claim?

The premises liability claim is a legal theory which holds that an individual's injuries were sustained due to unsafe or defective conditions on someone else’s property. The essence of this type if negligence, it means the owner failed use reasonable care when maintaining their safety measures for visitors and patrons at your business establishment- whether you're aware them or not!

Examples of Negligence

There are many different ways that negligence can cause property fires. If you've been injured in a fire and believe it was started by someone else's carelessness, then an attorney might be able to help get your compensation for damages on the rise again!.

  • Open Flames: If a homeowner forgets to put out a candle, cigarette, or fireplace before leaving their home and it starts a fire, this may be considered negligence.
  • Electrical Malfunctions: If a heater, outlet, or other appliance catches on fire due to poor maintenance, the homeowner may be at fault.
  • Unsafe Cooking Practices: If a homeowner falls asleep or leaves their home with the stove or oven on and it starts a fire, this may be considered negligence.
Fire Injuries

When individuals think about fire, they typically imagine themselves running from the flames with their clothes burning off. However it is just as deadly for someone else who cannot escape; there's no oxygen in this smoke-filled room so you'll go quickly until your body runs out of energy!

Serious fires can lead to even more serious injuries and death. For example, smoke inhalation or oxygen-depleted air cause injury in their own right while also making it difficult for people who are aboard the scene of a fire without proper protection (such as full face masks)to breathe easily themselves because they're surrounded by thick clouds that will only get worse over time due an increase both temperature level inside your home's rooms along with its overall volume since larger volumes mean higher pressures too!

Respiratory Injuries

According to the National Fire Protection Association, breathing injuries are the number one cause of death in U.S. house fires. A burning fire decreases the amount of oxygen in the air, which can lead to suffocation. The smoke from a fire also consists of a variety of toxins and particles that can permanently damage the respiratory system.

Best Products Liability Attorneys York PA

At the Dale E. Anstine Personal Injury Law Firm, our best products liability attorneys in York, PA know that your injury is a very difficult time for you and those around you so please don't hesitate to reach out if there's anything we can do. We offer free consultations where one of our attorneys will listen carefully about what happened or how it feels from start-to finish before deciding whether they're confident enough in their abilities as well which saves everyone some money since fees are never charged unless victory arrives!


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