What You Should Do After an Auto Accident

Yes, auto accidents are unplanned events, but it's helpful if you're ready for such a situation. Being prepared, you can easily manage this unpleasant scenario, minimizing its impact on you and any third party's physical health, mental health, and finances. 

Here's everything you need to know about handling such scenarios.

    Examine Yourself

Safety is paramount in auto accidents, so take time to examine yourself for possible injuries. Also, check if any other person is hurt. If they're seriously injured, it's best not to move the victim. Call 911 or have someone else do it and await the arrival of first responders.

    Find Safety

If you've sustained minor or no injuries and can move, consider heading to the sidewalk. It's helpful to stay safe from damaged vehicles and possible traffic. During auto crashes, there's a chance that you're disoriented, and such a mental state can put you in danger on a highway.

If your car might be hazardous to others and it's safe to drive, you should also pull it to the roadside. But in scenarios involving major auto crashes, it's best to leave the vehicle. You can place warning signals such as flares and emergency reflective triangles on the road to notify other motorists about the situation.

    Call the Police

Top auto accident attorneys York, PA will advise you to inform the police immediately after a collision. Consider calling 911 even if you're in a region where the law doesn't make it mandatory to report such situations.

Responding officers will document the collision and fill out an accident report. Be sure to note their names, contact information, and badge numbers.

If the boys in blue don't turn up, you can head down to the nearest cop station and fill out a report of the incident. Your statement needs to be accurate, and it's best to avoid speculations, guesses, or misstatements if you're uncertain about some facts. You can use the memo app to create a voice note early, noting street names, time, visibility, and weather conditions.

    Gather Information

You'll need one of the top auto accident attorneys York, PA, and all the information you can get if you want to get compensation. So, consider taking pictures of the situation, noting down third-party's license plates, getting a copy of the collision report from the reporting officer, and obtaining relevant witnesses' contact information.

Obtain the driver's license, registration, and all relevant insurance information. If they don't own the vehicle, find out their relationship with the car's owner. Afterward, gather relevant automobile information such as model, identification number, and color.

The pictures should show damages to both parties' cars, their positions relative to the street, the other driver's license plates, ski marks, and property damage, if any.

    Contact Insurance

Notify your insurance company about the accident. This way, they'll inform you about any critical information you might need to process your claim.

    Get to the Doctor

Sometimes, you might think that you only sustained minor or no injuries after an auto crash, but it's crucial you still see a doctor for an examination. Some injuries only become noticeable after some days, and their early detection is critical to getting you to your best self in no time.

Parting Shot

If you're a car accident victim due to a negligent driver, you have the right to compensation. But obtaining one might be challenging, especially when you're still managing trauma and injuries received from the incident. Working with top auto accident attorneys York, PA can help you focus on healing while the firm handles the legalities.


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